
Laser processing technology is the use of the characteristics of laser beam interaction with the material of materials (including metal and nonmetal) for cutting, welding, surface treatment, punching, micro machining and as a light source, an object recognition technology and application field of traditional laser processing technology is the biggest. The green laser cutting PCB/FPC, without as needed for several traditional stamping mould, save time and cost; and laser cutting is a non-contact processing, eliminates the damage mechanical stamping components contact processing, greatly improving the rate of finished products, using PCB/FPC laser cutting is the inevitable trend of development. The application of laser cutting machine in FPC/PCB can be divided into cutting, cutting and drilling.

blue laser

The laser welding will have a major impact on the following aspects of ship design, construction and service life: because no longer limited to the profile type, performance is a major consideration, optimize the design structure of the target; the 3D complex builder component according to its shape into a two-dimensional component is relatively simple, with high the laser power faster and more accurately welded together, thereby reducing the cost of construction, reduce the workload of finishing, and reduce the weight of that type; users can reduce operating costs by welding greatly; the fatigue life due to the machining accuracy, reduce welding seam and prolong the ship internal space according to the need, easy weapon the equipment re deployment, fuel consumption reduction.

Even with the government's encouragement and support, China's red laser pointer system manufacturers are facing some obstacles, it is difficult to achieve more than 5% of the average annual compound growth rate. First, the selling price advantage is challenged. Faced with strict international standards of kilowatt-class cutting welding system competition, and get the appropriate after-sales service support, the Chinese system manufacturers may no longer have the existing sales price advantage. In addition, improved industrial laser technology (UV lasers, ultrafast lasers and high power / high beam quality diode lasers) from other global suppliers have entered the international market and have been far ahead of Chinese companies.

This is achieved by obtaining a controllable building block using the power generated by the interaction of the nonlinear laser material. In any three-dimensional manufacturing method, there is a balance between speed, resolution, and complexity, and through this method, the best balance is found. The key to this approach is to note that most practical components can be made of rod-like or needle-like components. This method can accurately create such a block, while also retaining the width of each block about 1 micron. What's better is that you can combine bar-shaped blocks to create two-dimensional layers, and even more complex three-dimensional shapes that can be created simply by scanning the green astronomy blue laser beam on the chip.

The choice of welding solution is a complex issue for each application. In general, the more the number of short welds is, and is distributed over a large area (eg, door, seat structure, and bodywork of the car assembly). Compared to fixed optical head welding, remote laser pointer welding (RLW) advantage is greater. The following figure shows the use of RLW technology to shorten the processing cycle as high as 50% of the case. The example also covers high-density welds, precision soldering (a, b), and large-size structural welds with multiple welds. In particular, we see from (c) that part of the weld of this part continues from the top plate to the floor. This type of structure using the traditional welding head welding is not easy to achieve.

    laser technology
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